Panoramic color closeup image of a red geranium flower, a still from a Co-op Credit Union video

Co-op Credit Union

In a field crowded with competitors, Co-op Credit Union needed to find its voice.
Vendi helps them deliver a message that resonates and converts new members.

服务 provided

  • 品牌
  • 有创意的
  • 数字
  • 媒体
  • 摄影 & 摄像

Co-op Credit Union always puts members first. Vendi got the message out.

CCU turned to Vendi to establish its brand in a new market and boost awareness in existing markets. Vendi developed personas to reflect the target audience and employed search, responsive and social media ads to reach that demographic. Meticulous tracking of paid social and search ads helped determine which messages were resonating and influenced future ads. 有创意的 captures CCU’s “Neighbors helping neighbors” philosophy.

Co-op Credit Union billboard
Co-op Credit Union Facebook ads
Co-op Credit Union landing page
Co-op Credit Union Facebook ads
Co-op Credit Union TV spot
Co-op Credit Union print ads