

Digital marketing plays an integral role in the work we do at Vendi. Digital is no longer the shiny new tactic in marketing—it is a necessity in successfully reaching and connecting with your audience. When our clients ask us which digital marketing channel they should use, 我们从一个重要的问题开始——你的目标是什么? 


如果让人们对你的品牌产生兴趣是你的主要目标, choose a mix of digital marketing channels that deliver your message to a broad audience, 无论他们在哪里. 

你的目标受众是在网上冲浪. 正如我们所说. Display advertising puts your brand in front of them as they click from site to site. 人口, geographic and topic targeting will allow you to refine your audience, but the vast reach of the display network will allow you to cast a greater net to extend your message. While there are a variety of display networks available to advertisers, Google display advertising reaches 80% of global internet users—making it a great place to start your online awareness campaign.

YouTube目前是 第二大搜索引擎 仅次于谷歌,拥有超过1.5 billion logged in users per month and over 1 billion hours of video watched each day. 这是你宣传活动的另一个强大渠道.

Paid social ads on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, 等. are another way to extend your reach to users on their favorite apps and websites. 付费社交广告也成为一种必需品 Facebook的有机覆盖范围 继续下降——到2018年初, 55%的营销人员 saw a decrease in their page’s organic reach—requiring brands to pay for placement in the newsfeed. Both Facebook and Twitter offer the option to extend the reach of your ads outside of their native platform, 广告出现在互联网上的应用程序和网站上. Facebook受众网络上的广告可以达到 16%的人 而不是单单在Facebook上.

而付费社交广告是建立意识的资产, their power lies in their targeting cap能力 which can be used to influence consideration and action.


If you are looking to influence consideration and engage with people most likely to be interested in your brand—focus on channels that allow for deeper targeting and the ability to provide richer, 更多相关内容. 

今天,几乎 十分之七的美国人 至少使用一个社交媒体网络.S. adults are on Facebook alone, making it an effective tool for influencing consideration. Facebook and Twitter offer a variety of interest and behavior targeting to find people based on their hobbies, 最喜欢的娱乐, 购买行为, 设备使用情况, 等. If your ideal customer likes to travel to the beach, own cats and loves to bake—you can target them. And with ad formats designed to drive traffic to your website, 增加用户对你的内容的参与度, generate leads—these channels are key in influencing consideration. 

Often when consumers are considering new products or services, they take to search engines (with Google holding nearly 80% of global search engine market share). A search campaign will put you in front of potential customers when they are actively searching for a brand, 类似你的产品或服务. 

当你的潜在客户准备好承诺的时候, a mix of digital marketing channels will be needed to drive them to action.


当你想把你的潜在客户转化为客户, remarketing should lead the way in your digital marketing strategy.

If you’ve ever visited a website and noticed ads for that brand following you around online… you’ve experienced remarketing. Remarketing allows you to target people who have visited your website with highly relevant content designed to convert. Are you selling a product and want to offer a deal to users who have looked at that product but didn’t make a purchase? Do users frequent your blog, but haven’t signed up for your enewsletter? Do you have a list of enewsletter subscribers who haven’t converted into customers? 然后你的数字活动需要包括再营销.

Ad platforms from Google to Facebook, Twitter and even Snapchat (Snap Pixel即将推出) allow you to drop a pixel on your site designed to track users and market to them based on their activity on your site. While this requires some minimal effort to add the pixels to your site, 它在数据和营销方面带来的价值是无与伦比的.

Converting prospects through remarketing will also require a strong landing page experience. The quality of your landing page will not only help in converting leads, it will also influence the quality score and relevancy of your ads in the digital platforms. 

For many of our clients, digital campaigns include multiple goals and multiple channels. 就像任何营销活动一样, there isn’t one channel that will deliver on every goal for every audience. So, when our clients ask us which digital marketing channel they should use, 答案不是一个渠道. But by outlining their goals, we can find a strategic mix that delivers results.


The power of partnering with an agency for your media campaigns

当涉及到运行有效的媒体活动时, we usually hear the same question: How can we get the strongest return on our budget?


十大网堵平台推荐 was named the Best 工作place in Wisconsin at the 2023 MARKETPLACE Governor’s 奖. The Governor’s 奖 recognize Wisconsin businesses owned by minorities, 妇女和伤残退伍军人, 以及他们的支持者.

Reach and relate to your largest audience by using inclusive language

包容性语言使用突出的单词和短语, 澄清和赞同不同的观点, 能力, 文化和背景. Inclusive language helps more people feel welcome, respected and important. 沟通专业人士寻求与, educate and inspire people must use inclusive language in everything they do.