

我们来谈谈品牌. We love talking about brand; we do it all day. So when it comes to developing and managing 品牌, it’s safe to say we have high standards. Our clients benefit from documenting these standards because it saves them both time and money.

Perhaps you’ve heard of a brand standards guide. 也许是一个品牌使用指南? 品牌风格指南? There’s some irony in referring to it differently but understanding the purpose and benefits of having one is extremely important none the less.


We’ll end by reassuring you that having a brand standards guide does not limit creativity.



A brand standards guide is a collection of guidelines for your internal audiences that outline how brand elements should consistently be used.


Why is a having a brand standards guide important?

Documenting brand standards is essential in creating a unified brand experience that reinforces your identity in the marketplace. 不管你的组织有多大, 达到, 部门, 产品和/或服务, your team will benefit from a brand standards guide. 原因如下:

The reality is that your brand is defined by everyone else—customers, 合作伙伴, 媒体,甚至你的竞争对手. 具有一致的品牌, each new communication reinforces the previous, which allows you to effectively build awareness, influence perception and create momentum for your brand.

Additionally, a strong brand streamlines marketing and support. Using a brand standards guide provides a head start in developing communications and marketing materials.



Well, it isn’t just for your design or marketing departments. A comprehensive brand standards guide keeps everyone in the company aligned and working toward the same goals. Your guide should be available to everyone in the company. 我们指的是每个人:

  • 高级管理人员
  • 政府
  • 人力资源
  • 金融
  • 市场营销
  • 通信
  • 设计师
  • 开发人员
  • 机构
  • 外部供应商

Every interaction with your brand reinforces the previous, and people are communicating with your brand all the time. This includes (and is certainly not limited to) emails, 电话, 发票, 球, 演讲, 该网站, 博客文章, 广告, 贸易展的抵押品, 商品, 服装, 等. Documenting (and sharing) your visual and verbal communication standards enables your organization to speak as one.


What’s outlined in a brand standards guide?

正如预期的, standards guides should outline logo usage, including all the different variations of your logo, color options and clear space requirements. However, your brand is much more than your logo.

Your comprehensive brand standards guide should outline:

  • 语言交流指南
    • 标语
    • 愿景和使命宣言
    • Value proposition and positioning statement
    • 品牌的声音,品牌的理想
    • 品牌 messaging (both overarching and segmented for different audiences)
    • 锅炉板
  • 视觉品牌资产
    • Logo variations and usage (color options and clear space requirements)
    • Color palette (including Pantone, RGB, CMYK and HEX color codes)
    • Fonts and typography treatment (for both print and web executions)
    • Photo guidelines and photography treatment
    • 品牌图案,如适用
    • Examples of brand collateral and templates (business cards, 信头, 信封, 电子邮件签名, 演讲, 等.)

Will a brand standards guide limit creativity?

一点也不! 然而,要注意. It may increase consistency and efficiency. ;)

这里有一个例子. Vendi已经发展了无数 品牌,最近又有了新的身份 美国啤酒节. 作为 Vendi分享 initiative, a larger group of Vendi designers contributed t-shirt designs for their 2018 Fest.



The designers started at square one: the 美国啤酒节 brand standards guide. 从这里, components were selected from a variety of brand colors, 字体, 模式, icon treatment and phrases strategically developed to represent the refreshed brand.


Each designer took his or her own unique approach to creating the t-shirts. As a result of leveraging the brand standards guide, the concepts had a consistent brand voice and cohesive look and feel.




如果你还没有的话, hopefully a brand standards guide sounds like a vital addition to your organization. 我们可以帮忙. Vendi has a 20-year track record of developing strong 品牌. We’ve created brand standards guides for both new and existing 品牌. Our guides are well respected and customized to fit the needs of many different organizations.


Interested in learning more about our approach to brand strategy? 看看我们的 品牌工作 或者,更好的是, 让我们开始吧 在你的.



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