


As a millennial in marketing, it’s clear that the rules of advertising are changing. 从品牌发现到购买点, each individual 促销活动al touchpoint is critical in influencing a positive perception. 根据人口统计数据定位消费者, each generation has its own set behaviors and preferences that define the ‘how’ and ‘when’ to share messages and prompt 促销活动s. 对于20多岁的年轻人来说, the most-trusted form of marketing spurs from earned media–primarily word-of-mouth and public relations.

With young professionals claiming a name as market disruptors and industry influences, earned media is a major sector of marketing that effects a brand’s perception. 因此, understanding and leveraging its value among a technology-savvy and consumer-conscious generation will create a strong lasting impression that resonates and appeals. Several factors influence the effectiveness and attractiveness of earned media with millennials.


在数字时代长大, millennials like me have the ability and expectation to connect with family and friends instantaneously. We are social beings by nature and are constantly communicating with our networks. Our interests, personalities and habits within our network influences our behaviors and perceptions. 例如, if a friend mentions a new purchase or posts a picture of a recent vacation, millennials are more likely to make the same purchase or consider visiting the same destination.

基于 潮汐实验室, 口碑营销, 包括社交媒体, is a major purchase decision influencer with 74% of consumers identifying recommendations and referrals as persuasive purchase motivators. Subscribing to a tribe, behavior patterns and personal preferences tend to be similar. So, if your friend drinks grapefruit La Croix or wears Ray-Ban sunglasses, chances are you do too! 当挣来的媒体在家人和朋友之间分享时, 千禧一代更有可能对这个品牌感兴趣, 产品或创意.


Millennials are exposed to countless marketing messages throughout the course of one day. 这会导致千禧一代产生麻木感或免疫力. 随着技术的变化, so too does the way in which millennials are engaging and interacting with content. 生活在数字世界中,人际关系可能会萎缩. 作为重视经验和目标的一代人, meaningful and personal connections hold the greatest significance for millennials.

品牌可以在混乱的市场营销中脱颖而出, build strong bonds with their existing audiences and increase awareness within new markets by leveraging earned media spread by family and friends. 在这个有意义的空间里, brands establish deeper connections with individuals who value relationships.


购买产品和服务是有目的的, but millennials want more out of their purchase than what is sold at face value. 无论是社会认可还是公众好感, 我们千禧一代希望从我们的钱中获得额外的价值. 如果有比购买更大的目的, 比如道德生产的品牌使命, 千禧一代将以拓展服务来回报这种努力, 从购买到以推荐或提及的形式进行推广. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 这种为钱着想的心态可能是为了个人利益, 例如,如果产品在同行中有一种沉着和威望的感觉.

Regardless, millennials expect brand outreach beyond the 产品 or service itself. 提供免费内容等额外福利的品牌, sponsored events and public relations efforts increase the personal connection we as a generation appreciate. There is additional value that develops a deeper devotion to prompt positive earned media to a susceptible audience.



基于 尼尔森公司 发现, millennials find value in marketing messages that provide personalized and relevant information, 尤其是当内容是免费的时候. 从本质上讲,品牌应该付出一点来获得一点. By understanding the importance of earned media and its influence on millennials, brands can create campaigns that drive buzz beyond their marketing efforts to spread reach and visibility to a larger audience. Millennials are willing to share brand-generated content when it contains an offer, 促销活动, 挑战或支持他们所信仰的事业. 


In combination with paid and owned media, brands can propel consumer decisions. Providing a high-quality 产品 or service with exceptional customer service results in an experience millennials appreciate and reward through return purchases and endorsements. 进一步, creating a brand voice that resonates with millennials and forms a relationship based on trust and transparency increases word-of-mouth favorability that ultimately contributes to a higher level of engagement. Building relationships that are personal and relevant to millennials will only strengthen their attitude toward the brand, 创造愿意分享他们的满足感的大使.


Strategy development and curated content creation are key to reaching audiences and increasing earned media. 采用基于消费者行为的营销和社交媒体策略, 数据分析和当前趋势, brand messages can be effectively pushed into the market by brand advocates who are passionate about the 产品.

Looking for a stellar strategy to convert paid and owned media into referrals generated by the most trusted millennial influencer? Vendi可以帮上忙! 我们提供广泛的服务选择,以适应您的营销需求, 策划品牌, 产品, service or campaign into a memorable and impressionable moment worth sharing.



当涉及到运行有效的媒体活动时, we usually hear the same question: How can we get the strongest return on our budget?


十大网堵平台推荐 was named the Best 工作place in Wisconsin at the 2023 MARKETPLACE Governor’s 奖. 州长奖表彰威斯康星州少数族裔拥有的企业, 妇女和伤残退伍军人, 以及他们的支持者.


包容性语言使用突出的单词和短语, 澄清和赞同不同的观点, 能力, 文化和背景. Inclusive language helps more people feel welcome, respected and important. 沟通专业人士寻求与, educate and inspire people must use inclusive language in everything they do.