Vendi photography

Mask up & move on: Producing video in very strange times 

It was the best of times

对于一个内向的人来说,在家工作有什么不好的? 我在Zoom电话上能看到和听到每个人的声音比我在任何会议室里都要好得多. 我有了更长的、不间断的时间来专注于编辑,进入状态. And, best of all, 我刚刚为家庭办公室配备了一台奈斯派索咖啡机——我甚至不需要起床就能喝到咖啡.

It was the worst of times

我的咖啡预算现在已经把我的退休日期推迟了至少一年. 尽管性格内向,但我怀念与Vendi团队的面对面交流. No one cleans my office but me. And strangest of all—tell me I’m not alone with this, please—in my dreams, most everyone is now wearing a facemask.


所以,也不全是坏事,但和你一样,我也很高兴能回到某种形式的正常状态. 对我来说,在Vendi的工作就是拍照或拍视频. Out of everything I do, I’m happiest with a video camera in my hand, which is now a brand-new Canon C500 mkII, 5.9k全画幅传感器与电子图像稳定和内部RAW记录. 我意识到这听起来有点像《十大网堵平台推荐》里的拉尔菲描述他的红色莱德BB枪, 但当它到来的时候我很兴奋……就在大流行爆发之前. Once we began postponing and rescheduling shoots, I began to feel like the bully, Scut Farkus, was sitting on my chest pummeling my face.

As soon as I got up and dusted myself off, 拉克罗斯市要求Vendi制作一份公益广告(见下文),展示社区如何团结起来应对COVID-19危机. 这是在疾病预防控制中心首次发布指导文件后不久,我们都在弄清楚现在该如何工作. As an agency, 我们问了自己一些新的问题,包括:是否每个人都需要戴口罩? Are those people six feet apart? What precautions do we take recording a voiceover? 我们如何处理释放表格,化妆和发型,以及放置盥洗室麦克风?

Safe workarounds were found and, while production schedules have been shifted a bit, 我们还进行了许多其他涉及摄影和视频制作的项目. And we consider ourselves lucky. The impact on film and TV production has not been pretty. Production on most TV and films stopped, trade unions were issuing stop-work orders and 100,000 entertainment workers were out of jobs. 具有讽刺意味的是,我们现在都在看更多的电视. A lot more.

Who's got the remote?

HBO reports movie-watching is up 70%. 消费者技术协会报告称,26%的美国家庭首次开始使用流媒体服务. Comscore reports cable news networks’ viewership is up 73%, 网络电视收视率上升了19%,儿童日间节目收视率上升了31%. 我们这些业内人士需要制定变通办法和安全程序,这样所有这些可怜的狂看剧的人在接下来的几年里就不用靠重播过活了.

Episodes, stat!

General Hospital, on the air for 57 straight years, had to temporarily shut down production, but was one of the first to get back in business. 他们正在聘请专门的COVID协调员和健康顾问进行常规检测, take temperatures, 确保使用个人防护装备并遵守安全程序. 他们用人体模型做替身,甚至让演员的现实伴侣来拍摄爱情场景. This I read online…because, um, 我在家工作,而不是坐在舒适的躺椅上看肥皂剧, weekdays at 1 p.m. Central on WXOW TV-19. Really.

To infinity and beyond

Live-action film and TV may be struggling, 但是动画的工作流程很容易适应远程工作. No actors (other than voice), just artists, animators and editors, collaborating from a distance, just as they always have. 你可以在下面观看Vendi最近为海洋信用合作社制作的电视广告. Truth be told, this treatment was brand strategy rather than a necessity, 但为了适应COVID-19预防措施,我们团队的正常工作流程几乎不需要改变. 在不久的将来,你会看到更多来自电影制片厂的动画, television producers and certainly from Vendi.

So, what can we do?

如今,对大多数企业来说,预防这种疾病的传播需要耗费大量的人力和时间, but nearly anything is possible to do safely. 我说“几乎”是因为最好的摄影角度是那些吸引观众的角度. 这通常涉及到“你在那里”的观点. 当有人参与其中时,从六英尺或更远的地方就会变得有点棘手. 长焦镜头有它的用处,但要想获得那种身临其境的感觉,你需要拍得更宽更近. But what can be done?

  • 除非有专门的脚本,并且可以安全地分阶段进行,否则要留出时间进行蒙面和非蒙面拍摄,以便在大流行后进行可能的修订
  • 使用鸟枪式麦克风,而不是坐式麦克风,这样你的声音团队就不需要靠近演员,把麦克风藏在他们身上
  • 利用自然光,在室外或开阔的室内空间拍摄
  • Limit crew size
  • It goes without saying, but provide plenty of masks to go around, disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer and gloves 
  • And if working from home, up your internet bandwidth. 大的视频文件上传速度会更快,你的日间肥皂剧也会完美无瑕.

La Crosse COVID-19 PSA 

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Marine Credit Union TV Spot

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Our stream of consciousness


When it comes to running effective media campaigns, 我们经常听到同样的问题:我们怎样才能使我们的预算获得最大的回报?

Vendi named ‘Best Workplace’ in Wisconsin

十大网堵平台推荐在2023年市场州长奖中被评为威斯康星州最佳工作场所. 州长奖表彰威斯康星州少数族裔拥有的企业, women and service-disabled veterans, and their advocates.


Inclusive language uses words and phrases that highlight, clarify and celebrate different viewpoints, abilities, cultures and backgrounds. 包容性语言让更多的人感到受欢迎、受尊重和重要. Communications professionals seeking to connect with, 教育和激励人们必须在他们所做的一切中使用包容性语言.