Choosing a CMS Drupal Joomla 款 Squarespace Magento WordPress

Part 2 - Why choosing the Right CMS matters

There are a lot of options when it comes to a CMS, or 内容 Management System. 从 to SquareSpace to WordPress to Drupal. 这样的例子不胜枚举. A lot of CMSs present themselves as easy-to-use, quick and affordable. 我们都看到过这样的广告:一位厨师站在厨房里,一只手搅拌精致的荷兰酱,另一只手只需点击一下按钮就能制作出一个漂亮的网站. 很快,一个很棒的网站! That sentiment is wonderful, in theory. 它给了我们看《十大最好的网堵平台》的所有概念,还有他们的按钮世界. 但是今天的技术并没有那么简单,当然也不会为我们创造内容.

How do I begin to select a CMS?

写下你的业务目标是开始选择过程的好方法. We all want our customers to engage with our website, 因此,确定如何最好地实现这一目标可以开始描绘CMS需要提供的功能和资源的图片. Secondly, take the time to investigate current CMS options. Learn about the features they have to offer. 你会花更多的时间来布局内容,而不是创造内容吗? How much time is it going to take to learn the CMS? 很容易被低成本的入门点所动摇,但是如果你花更多的时间来学习和更新你的CMS,而不是运行和发展你的业务,从长远来看,你的时间值多少钱.



每个CMS都是用一种或多种语言(c#, PHP)构建的,通常使用几个框架(.Net, jQuery, PHP) and targets specific platforms (Windows, Linux). The combination of these factors determine several things including stability, 安全, future growth and the ability for internal staff to maintain the system.


一些CMS系统的发布周期很快,每隔几个月就会推出新版本, while others make changes only every couple of years. Although a faster release cycle means you get new features faster, it also means some older features you depend on might be eliminated. A slower release cycle gives you the assurance that features won’t change. 然而,它有时会带来迁移到下一个版本而不是升级的负担.


There are various costs to calculate, including the cost of the CMS itself, CMS支持, 每个用户的成本, 不同类型用户的成本以及在给定时间段内预期的流量. 另外, most modern CMSs can be extended with “themes,”“模块,” “plugins” and “integrations,” all of which can potentially have their own costs. Even completely free CMS systems incur costs to host the CMS, as well as paying the IT staff required to maintain it. Up-front costs need to be weighed against lifecycle costs.


We also call this “the ability for users to do something without calling IT.” When selecting and implementing a CMS, 确定1)一般用户在最少的训练下可以做什么是很重要的, 2) what a smaller group of power users can do, and 3) what can be done only by IT staff. 需要考虑的一些常见任务包括创建和删除用户, changing and reorganizing content, uploading files and template creation. 每个需要升级到更强大或更有知识的用户的任务都会阻碍普通内容创作者完成他们的工作.


与最终用户授权相关的是,用户能够自己发现需要哪些操作来影响他们想要进行的更改. 虽然可以指导用户如何做事情,但这需要培训、手册和支持人员. CMS的成功实现通常与CMS构建的直观程度直接相关.

Most content management systems, 像WordPress, come with a standard text editor for editing your website with ease.

Internationalization and localization

国际化是使您的站点准备本地化的过程,本地化是实际创建或转换内容的过程. Even if your expected audience is located in a single geographic location, 个人用户很有可能有不同的首选语言或文化期望. Most modern CMSs are ready for internationalization, but localization still needs to be investigated and implemented by the content team.

Security principals (users, roles and access privileges)

根据内部业务规则,允许用户或用户集访问不同的内容片段或管理级别通常很方便. Sometimes these rules are trust- based or conversely, distrust-based, where users explicitly should or shouldn’t be able to perform a task. 其他时候,这些规则只是隔离内容的一种方法,这样用户就不会被与他们无关的内容淹没. 选择一个实现与您的业务需求一致的规则的CMS非常重要.

Publishing strategy/workflows

发布策略概述了从用户说“我想做某事”到“某事”完成的步骤. There are several different CMS publishing strategies. One common strategy is “on the fly” where users can create and edit content, hit “save” and all visitors receive the updated content immediately. 另一种相关策略是“批处理”,即按照特定的时间间隔(如每小时或每天)“实时推送”更改. 这两种策略都可以额外包括工作流,其中内容从一个用户“流”到另一个用户,直到具有指定权限的人批准内容并使其生效.


Some CMS systems are “closed source,” which means that only the original authors of the CMS can make changes. Others are “open source,” which means anyone can freely alter code.


特定CMS实现的许可证很重要,因为它既会影响CMS的成本,也会影响使用它的合法性. For instance, some licenses are free for personal use but require businesses to pay. 其他许可则取决于修改内容的用户数量,甚至是网站公众访问者的数量. 几乎每个CMS许可证还包括与CMS开发人员签订协议的第三方的进一步许可证.


Most CMS systems are either “hosted” (often called “cloud”) or “self-hosted.“托管CMS的最大优点之一是硬件和软件维护的责任落在了供应商身上, which can relieve the burden on internal IT staff. 然而,这种优势通常伴随着每月的支持成本以及供应商锁定.  


IT人员通常以这样或那样的方式负责其网络上的每一块硬件和软件. Adding any CMS to a network adds the burden of backing up the CMS, patching the CMS and operating system, monitoring and addressing 安全 threats, disaster recovery and general troubleshooting for every user. 选择CMS时, 重要的是要轻松地实现这些任务以及所涉及的培训和程序,以确保顺利的用户体验.

What about making my site look awesome and speak profoundly?

记住我们的商业目标? 内容, in our minds, is always at the forefront of choosing and developing in any CMS. 制定一个计划或策略,你想在你的网站上什么类型的内容来满足你的目标是CMS选择过程中的重要一步. Is your site going to have products? Do you need to sell those products? What kind of content will engage your visitors and keep them coming back for more? 没有这个路线图, you may find yourself staring at a screen with an empty text editor, not knowing where to even start.



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